Building a Cash Culture Driven by AR Excellence


Prudent cash and liquidity management is critical in times like these.

Businesses that managed cash and liquidity prudently before the pandemic have remained resilient, while less-prepared businesses faced big-time threats in the face of a liquidity crunch.

As businesses emerge from the uncertainty of the pandemic and chart paths to revenue and profit growth, senior executives have a rare opportunity to rethink the way their business manages its cash.

Modernizing the underlying accounts receivable (AR) systems and processes that a business uses to apply, manage, and forecast its cash can create a culture that can result in long-term cash excellence.

IOFM’s latest white paper shows you how to build a cash culture driven by AR automation.

If your organization wants to achieve cash excellence, this white paper will be a good first step.

Continuing Education Credits available:

Receive 1 CEU towards IOFM programs:

AP CertificationPP-OC_seal_APP_outline.FNLReceive 1 CEU towards maintaining any AP and P2P related program through IOFM! These programs are designed to establish standards for the profession and recognize accounts payable and procure-to-pay professionals who, by possessing related work experience and passing a comprehensive exam, have met stringent requirements for mastering the financial operations body of knowledge.

Continuing Education Credits available:

Receive 1 CEU towards IOFM programs:

AR-certFinal-AOCReceive 1 CEU towards maintaining any AR and O2C related program through IOFM! These programs are designed to establish standards for the profession and recognize accounts payable and procure-to-pay professionals who, by possessing related work experience and passing a comprehensive exam, have met stringent requirements for mastering the financial operations body of knowledge.

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