

Organizations may differ regarding what is most important in achieving AR’s strategic objectives, but the methods they use to determine their metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are… Read More

Accounts receivable leaders are enthusiastically jumping on the technology bandwagon—and with very good reason. The AR tech market is burgeoning with new solutions to address the efficiency and

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The English poet John Donne once wrote: "No man is an island." No department is an island either—including the typical accounts receivable department. AR operates as an integral part of the overall

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A good set of data is vital for an effective order-to-cash (O2C) process. Not only does data help O2C run more smoothly, accurately, and timely, it helps ensure better customer relationships,

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Is there pressure from your CFO to improve your DSO? Are you frustrated because no matter what you do, the customer still pays late? More and more companies are starting to dictate when they will

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On-Demand Webinar register now Is there pressure from your CFO to improve your DSO? Are you frustrated because no matter what you do, the customer still pays late? More and more companies are… Read More
It’s not enough to simply send the invoices out—companies must also make sure they are paid. Unfortunately, whether due to a simple slip of the mind, blatant disregard, or some unresolved… Read More

The “C” portion of “O2C” is the laser-like focus of every loyal AR team. Tucking that hard-won money into the company coffers helps receivables professionals sleep at night. Without an

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What performance metrics are the top AR departments achieving? How are they getting those enviable results? And most important, how can other AR managers attain the same best-practice-level

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It’s easy to send out a customer invoice—roping in the actual dollars is the tough part. But that’s exactly the mission AR departments are tasked with. Like superheroes, they must leap tall… Read More
In our article “How Top of the World Headwear’s AR Team Captures the Cash,” we look at the ways one savvy AR department uses communication—particularly the telephone—to get customers to pay… Read More

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