Tactical and Practical Steps To Successfully Automate AP


On-demand Webinar | Free

This IOFM Editorial Webinar is a free preview of the new Member-exclusive online workshop: "Tactical and Practical Steps To Successfully Automate AP." Both Members and non-Members are welcome to register for this free sneak peek webinar! 

The entire three-part workshop, including exclusive webinars, workbooks and related Member resources, will be available online and on-demand to IOFM Members at no cost — as a benefit of their IOFM Membership. The workshop will launch on IOFM.com following this live webinar.  

The health risks associated with COVID-19 are leading AP departments to rush to find technological replacements for their manual processes. But the haste comes with a danger of its own: Without addressing underlying process challenges first, automation can make bad worse faster.

Don’t automate for the first time, or optimize your current systems, without first understanding how to objectively evaluate your current processes. To help enable this, our virtual workshop series begins by providing actionable templates to help you visualize your AP and Procure-to-Pay process from multiple perspectives.

In the first of a three-part series by IOFM’s Executive Editor Jess Scheer, you’ll learn how to “see”:

  • The scope of your processes
  • The inputs and outputs of each step
  • The roles and responsibilities of all team members
  • The knowledge they need to execute each activity

This short, FREE, 30-minute preview of IOFM’s virtual workshops is a must-view for any manager adjusting their processes. The webinar will be followed by time for Q&A, and additional details on how to access the full Members-only on-demand workshop for the next steps in your automation journey.

crop.JessScheer300x300.jpg.thumbnail-150px-square.150x150.jpegJess Scheer
Editor, IOFM

IOFM Editor Jess Scheer is an award-winning business reporter, focused on the intersection of accounting, finance and management. Before joining IOFM, Jess spent five years as a Process Consultant, helping organizations more effectively and efficiently manage end-to-end processes, including Procure-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash.

Jess is a popular speaker, keynoting IOFM’s annual conferences. His sessions draw on his experience helping organizations create effective measurement approaches, conducting custom survey projects, as well as personally managing several large-scale benchmarking programs.

This webinar is provided free of charge by IOFM.

Following the webinar, you may be contacted by IOFM with information about Membership and Certification.

Continuing Education Credits available:

Receive 1 CEU towards IOFM programs:

AP CertificationPP-OC_seal_APP_outline.FNLReceive 1 CEU towards maintaining any AP and P2P related program through IOFM! These programs are designed to establish standards for the profession and recognize accounts payable and procure-to-pay professionals who, by possessing related work experience and passing a comprehensive exam, have met stringent requirements for mastering the financial operations body of knowledge.

Continuing Education Credits available:

Receive 1 CEU towards IOFM programs:

AR-certFinal-AOCReceive 1 CEU towards maintaining any AR and O2C related program through IOFM! These programs are designed to establish standards for the profession and recognize accounts payable and procure-to-pay professionals who, by possessing related work experience and passing a comprehensive exam, have met stringent requirements for mastering the financial operations body of knowledge.

Thank you!

Thank you for registering for the on-demand webinar: Tactical and Practical Steps To Successfully Automate AP. A confirmation email will be sent shortly with access to the on-demand materials.

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