Process Improvement

The IOFM’s mission is to empower you to driver greater performance out of each step of the AP process: from procurement, to receipt of the good and invoice, to invoice matching, to routing and approval, to payment (including management and use of p-cards), to reconciliation, and accounting. The Institute’s best practices are valuable for those serving tasks that support AP – even if reporting outside of the operation, including: vendor master file, customer service, and project management.

Managing performance improvement is the key to success – whether your department is highly manual or fully automated or somewhere in between. IOFM helps practitioners do their job better and faster to generate savings (i.e., capture early-pay discounts) and free up time for higher-value activities.

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Tracking Results from an Automation Project

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Learn the top ten lessons learned from AP Specialist Jerri Painter's adventure leading an automation project for her department at the University of North Carolina at Charolotte. (Spoiler Alert: Everything takes longer than you anticipate.)

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Even in organizations that already have sophisticated automation tools, Excel is probably being used in some capacity. While traditional thinking is… Read More

How satisfied are you in your current AP role? 

Do long hours and meager opportunities for advancement have you ready to make a job

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Join us on November 13th for our next Virtual AP Demo Day and learn how IOFM’s partner ecosystem can empower your AP team. Industry-leading

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