Policies & Procedures


Q. Does the IRS or IOFM have any alerts/notifications as to when the IRS changes the mileage rates? I am looking for any type of notification so we know when the mileage rates change. A. (Answered… Read More
Q. Occasionally, when I am reviewing an expense report for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred while traveling, there will be an expense (like lodging) that will show the receipt shows… Read More
Q. What is the length of time for Travel to considered long term travel. We are updating our policy and my CFO wants to get the correct timeframe for what is considered long term… Read More
Q. Our organization is reviewing the policy on receipt requirements for T&E reimbursements. The current policy is that receipts are required for all hotel expenses and other charges $25 or more. We… Read More
Q. What are companies doing about inflation within their T&E programs given that GSA rates for lodging and per diem rates are not keeping up with inflation? A. (Answered by the IOFM Advisory… Read More
Q. What are best practices around T&E and P-Card management when there is no activity on the card after 12 months? Do you terminate the card? (The focus here is on reducing risk and fraud with T&E… Read More
Q.  Is there a central body that we can reference for mileage rates in different countries besides the US and Canada? I need this information for all the EU and APAC countries. Where can I find it?… Read More
Q. I currently have a foreign consultant working for our company that is looking to have a corporate credit card issued to him to cover his international travel to the US. I'm looking for any… Read More
Q. I am seeking two templates: Employee agreement for the use of a company issued TRAVEL credit card where the employee is liable for the charges on the card. Policy for company issued TRAVEL credit… Read More
Q. We are updating our Expense Policy and are looking to potentially increase our meal limits but wanted to benchmark against the industry. I was wondering if we can pose the following questions to… Read More

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